Jasmine flowers are four-petalled, and mostly white, with some yellow flowered species. Unlike most general in the Oleaceae which have four corolla lobes ('petals'), jasmines typically have five or six lobes. They are often strongly and sweetly scented. Flowering is in spring or summer in most species, but in a few species, notably J. nudiflorum, in winter on the bare branches of this deciduous species.The common name 'jasmine' is often given to unrelated plants with pale, sweetly-scented flowers and dark green leaves, such as Trachelospermum species (Confederate or star jasmine), Gardenia jasminoides (Cape jasmine), and Gelsemium species (Carolina jasmine).
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Jasmine flowers are four-petalled, and mostly whi...
Jasmine flowers are four-petalled, and mostly white, with some yellow flowered species. Unlike most general in the Oleaceae which have four corolla lobes ('petals'), jasmines typically have five or six lobes. They are often strongly and sweetly scented. Flowering is in spring or summer in most species, but in a few species, notably J. nudiflorum, in winter on the bare branches of this deciduous species.The common name 'jasmine' is often given to unrelated plants with pale, sweetly-scented flowers and dark green leaves, such as Trachelospermum species (Confederate or star jasmine), Gardenia jasminoides (Cape jasmine), and Gelsemium species (Carolina jasmine).
Some Popular Varieties in Jasmine
Common Jasmine, or poet's Jasmine - Jasmine officinale, is native to Iran, which produces fragrant white flowers that are the source of attar of Jasmine used in perfumery.Winter Jasmine - Jasmine nudiflorum, a Chinese species with solitary yellow flowers, is used as a cover plant on hillsides.Arabian Jasmine - Jasmine sambac, are used to make jasmine tea.South African Jasmine - Jasmine angulare: an evergreen vine, which is only hardy in the coastal areas. Jasmine blooms in the summer, bearing unscented white flowers in groups of three.Spanish Jasmine - Jasmine grandiflorum: is a semi-evergreen to deciduous vine with fragrant, white flowers, which are 1 inch in diameter.Italian Jasmine - Jasmine humile: an evergreen shrub or vine, which can reach up to 20 feet and arch to make a 10-foot-wide mound. Clusters of fragrant, bright yellow flowers are present all summer.Primrose Jasmine - Jasmine mesnyi: an evergreen shrub with yellow, unscented flowers, which are up to 2 inches in diameter.Downy Jasmine - Jasmine multiflorum: has clustered, white flowers that are not strongly scented. The stems and leaves have a downy coating, resulting in an overall gray-green effect.
Jasminum Sambac Varieties 1
Jasmine shrubs reache to a height of 10-15 feet, growing approximately 12-24 inches per year.Jasmine leaves are either evergreen or deciduous.A Jasmine leaf is arranged in opposite in most species, leaf shape is simple, trifoliate or pinnate with 5-9 leaflets, each up to two and half inches long.The Jasmine stems are slender, trailing, green, glaborous, angled, almost 4-sided.Most of the Jasmine species bear white flowers, which are about 1 inch in size.Jasmine oil, which is a very popular fragrant oil, contains benzyl acetate, terpinol, jasmone, benzyl benzoate, linalool, several alcohols, and other compounds.The variety Jasminium sambac, is a clustered flower of a equally strong scent known in Hawaii as the Pikake.Two types of Jasmine are used for oil production - Jasminum grandiflorum and Jasminum officinale.The nectar of the fragrant flowers of Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens, is poisonous, although its dried roots are used in medicinal preparations as a sedative.Jasmine flower oil, extracted from the two species Jasminum Officinale and Grandiflorum, is used in high-grade perfumes and cosmetics, such as creams, oils, soaps, and shampoos
Growing Jasmine flowers
Jasmines grow well in moist, well drained, sandy loam to clayey graden soil with moderate level of fertility.Jasmine prefer full sun to partial shade and a warm site.Jasmine bushes should be planted during June to November.Jasmine Plant should be kept at least eight feet apart in order to save the later growth of the plant from jamming together.Adding of leaf molds to the soil makes it better for the growth of the plant.Mild fertilizer should be applied during spring.Plenty of water should be given during summer.Jasmine plants should be provided with full sunlight upto at least four hours a day.
Jasmine Plant Care
Remove the weeds present near Jasmine plants.Fertilizers should be added from time to time।Phosphorous and Potassium should be applied in two split doses i.e once after annual pruning and again during June and July.Tips of the plants should be pinched to stimulate lateral growth and frequent prunning.First irrigation should be given immediately after planting and subsequent irrigation at an interval of seven to ten days.Younger plants should be tied with the stems to give a fairly heavy support.
Remove the weeds present near Jasmine plants.Fertilizers should be added from time to time।Phosphorous and Potassium should be applied in two split doses i.e once after annual pruning and again during June and July.Tips of the plants should be pinched to stimulate lateral growth and frequent prunning.First irrigation should be given immediately after planting and subsequent irrigation at an interval of seven to ten days.Younger plants should be tied with the stems to give a fairly heavy support.
Jasminum Sambac Varieties 1
"Grand Duke of Tuscany " ('Butt Mograw', 'Rose Jasmine') Origin: Iran. A slow growing Jasmine but grandest of them all, with the largest flowers. Up to 1.5" double flowers look like miniature roses. This tall growing shrub has Gardenia type flowers. The older plants seem to be more fascinating in providing flowers of different shapes and sizes on the same plant at the same time. A flower stays for a long time (few days) and doesn't drop off and in most cases will dry right on the plant. Same sweet fragrance of Maid of Orleans but stronger. This bushy compact plant needs a little more special attention than other Jasmines. Flower is used for tea and religious ceremonies. Requires frequent pruning for denser shape, otherwise becomes leggy. Everbloomer. Variety "Grand Duke Supreme" has yet bigger flowers and elongated leaves.
Jasminum Sambac Varieties 2
"Belle of India". (Madhan Mograw) Origin: India. Another beautiful and unusual species in the J. Sambac family. With it's long slender oval shape buds one cannot but admire the flowers when open. Sweet fragrance and double pure white 1" flower makes this jasmine a pleasure to grow. The flower is used in teas and religious ceremonies. This plant needs higher temperatures and light level to perform. Requires frequent pruning for denser shape. Intermediate shape between vine and shrub. Min. temp 60 F. Everbloomer.
Jasminum Sambac Varieties 3
"Maid Of Orleans" (Mograw', 'Motiya', 'Bela', 'Mallipoo', 'Lei pikake', 'Tea Jasmine', 'Gundi Mullige', 'Sampaguita') - . The most popular of all the jasmines in the world has round white extremely fragrant single flowers which are borne in profusion. It flowers from the tips, every 30-40 days, depending on the temperature.The hotter the better. The flowers drop off within 24 hours and are replaced with more the next day. This variety is used for making Hawaiian flower leis. It's picked as buds, and sown into high priced leis. Loves full drenching of water after the soil is little on the dry side. You will discover that the clarity and sweetness of fragrance of this jasmine is unrivaled. This bushy compact plant does particularly well on windowsills, but requres frequest pruning to kepp shape. The easiest variety to grow. In Asia, the flower is used in teas and religious ceremonies. More vining habit than other two, and foliage is the most beautiful and dark green. Min. temp. 60 F. Everbloomer.
Jasminum Sambac Varieties 4
"Mysore Mulli" is a ver close relative of Belle of India. It has slightly shorter patals than other Belle ('Elongata'). This variety is the most reliable bloomer of all sambacs. Although pale green, sometimes yellowish leaves are not the best part of the plant, the flowers are the most profuse and very strongly perfumed. It blooms practically year around, providing warm and bright light conditions.
To grow these plants outdoors, you have to be in zone 8 or higher. Jasmines like hot and humid conditions during the day, and cool temperatures at night. Since frost can kill these plants, with care one can successfully grow these as house plants.Jasminum Sambac can be grown both in full sun (forms a nice bushy shrub when pruned) or in shade (tends to grow more like a vine, leaves get bigger and darker). Perfect container plant. Use great amount of organic matter when planting (leaf mold, peat moss, humus, compost), but soil must be well-drained and evenly moist at the same time. Jasmines do not like soggy conditions.From spring through fall, fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10. Tie the stems to supports and keep the soil evenly moist through the growing season. Prune after flowering to keep the plants thinned and shaped. Some branches may reach 6 to 8 ft long. Pruning also helps keep an abundance of flowers, since flowers are produce on new wood.
Growing Jasminum Sambac indoors
This plant is easy to grow in general. Many people from Northern States grow Sambacs successfully and enjoy the fragrance almost year 'round. The good thing for indoor culture is that Jasminum Sambac tolerates both shade and full sun and will bloom most of the year with a proper care. Of course the plant that was exposed to certain conditions for a long time gets used to them, and may get stressed after you change them significantly. For example, the plant that you kept in a shade, may get leaves burnt if you place it directly in full sun. The full-sun plant that was moved in a shade might drop some leaves. However, gradual change should be fine. Also keep in mind that the smaller the plant, the easier it gets adjusted to new conditions. On the other hand, if you are anxious about getting a developed blooming jasmine, it's probably a good idea to purchase a bigget size plant. Of course, in this case you should provide it with lots of light - as close as possible to how it was grown in our natural tropical conditions. If you cant't provide enough light and warm temperatures, the plant might stay in the same size for a very long period, and further flowering may be problematic.Potting mix. Use only special potting soilless mix, with a large amount of organic matter, like peat moss. Potting mix must be well-drained (you may add perlite to improve drainage characteristics). Never use top soil or garden soil for potting - the roots will rot in it.Light. All plants need lots of light for blooming, and Sambac is not an exception. If you grow it indoors at all times, keep in in a well-lit spot by the window with southern exposure. During warm summer period when temperature is above 50F, it will be a good idea to take your plant outdoors to enjoy sun and fresh air on your balcony or patio. Bright light along with regular fertilization will encourage blooming.Fertilizer. Be carefull not to over-fertilize - it might kill the plant. It's safe to use lower concentration of fertilizer more frequently, than rare application with a strong solution. Granulated slow-release fertilizer is better for pots than water-soluable. The cooler the temperature - the less fertilizer should be applied. Watering. Jasminum Sambac requires average watering. That means - do not water if the soil is moist. Maid of Orleans prefers to be more on a dry side. During winter months, reduce watering to once a week or even less frequent.Humidity. Sambacs are tropical plants and they enjoy high humidity (50-80%). However, if growing them in a greenhouse, don't make it too wet for the plant, and make sure to provide a good air circulation at all times.Re-potting. Move your plant into a new home (pot) every spring or when plant overgrows the pot. The new pot should be at least 2-3" wider than the old one. If the plant got root-bounded (too dense root ball at the bottom), make a few 1/2" deep cuts accross the sides of the rootball (4-5 cuts from top to bottom) to encourage new root growth, using a sharp knife. Add more fresh potting mix around the rootball and water well. Place the plant in filtered light for 2-3 days after re-potting.Problems. Leaves yellowing = over-watering or over-fertilizingLeaves' green color pales = under-wateringLeaves dry on edges = under-wateringBuds drop before opening = over-wateringBuds open prematurely = over-wateringFlowers darken = too much heatNo flowers for the whole year = lack of light and/or fertilizerNo new growth for a long time = lack of light and/or fertilizerBranches become leggy = prune regularly to keep bushy shape or let go to form a vine, providing supportLeaves are too small = lack of food (fertilizer), too much sunWhite mold on stems = indicates that you keep plant in dangerously moist conditions, move it in a well-ventilated bright spot to dry.
A few notes about Jasminum Sambac and Maid of Orleans in particular
I had once a Jasminum Sambac 'Maid of Orleans', and to my experience, it is the less hardy of all Sambac cultivars. I had a cutting, and bloomed readily after rooting, indoor of course ! But to my guess, 'Maid of Orleans' needs a long period of regular heat, with a small thermal amplitude between day an night and a good hygrometry. Protect it from the winds, as they can cool down temperature very fast and 'hibernate' the plant, as colder temperatures are a great inhibitor to blooming.
A key to induce blooming with the species Jasminum - and particularly to Sambac is Long days, the longer day the better chance to bloom. So September, in our lattitudes may be the ending of blooming season for this species.
I would suggest to place it indoor, as you will have to anyway. Bear in mind that a cold night can kill this plant, as it happened to me. 10°C, and you can say goodbye to your baby Sambac...
Try to give it supplemental light / heat / hygrometry and it shall bloom.
Sometimes, a temperature falloff, especially any brutal change can stress the plant, and inhibit bud developpment, causing the bud to abort or look awkward, and that could be the case with you.
Remember that any plant from a serious nursery is given the best condition from day to day, to make a beautiful plant with a lot of flowers, as long as they want to sell healty and eye-catching plants. But when you bring you brand new baby home, the conditions - air - watering schedule - daytime/nightime temperatures - Light intensity, Light Duration - hygrometry - feeding schedule - may be very different and can stress the plant, especially if the change is dramatic, and sudden. This stress can inhibit bud growth.
Another guess if the plant is not blooming - 'Maid Of Orleans' might be resting. It might have set up a lot of flowers before you bought it, and then the plant is exhausted. Blooming is demanding a lot of energy, and as said in a previous follow up, this rest may be part of a natural cycle of this Marvelous plant. So be patient, another key to success !
Talking about desease, in my experience, Sambac are subject to spider mites attacks, specially indoor, and these pest can harm your plant, and cause bud abortion. Sometimes a virus (?) - Maybe agrobacter tumefaciens - can cause a kind of stem cancer. in this case, the stem, buds and leaves can be ill formed, and I can't tell if there is a solution to this... it happened to me though...
Sambac cuttings are really easy to root, with or without IBA (hormone) so you may want to take a few and try to give each differents conditions of light/heat/hygrometry, and with this kind-of method of trial you might find the best condition in your area for your Sambac, and get new clones for free! Mathematically, the more plants, the more blooms at one given time, the more fragrance in your room !
Maybe you'll get to the point when you can make 'Lei', fragrant necklace, a great gift to offer to your beloved... as they do in India, especially on wedding days...
Don't misspell ! This is "Maid of Orleans", NOT "Maid of New Orleans'. This is related to the french heroine 'Jeanne d'Arc' A.K.A. Maid of Orleans (Orleans, town from the North of France). The flower might have been given her name in symbolic reference to the white purity and the holly fragrance of the flower... Anyway I guess there are still some maids in New Orleans... So I won't bother if you insist
A key to induce blooming with the species Jasminum - and particularly to Sambac is Long days, the longer day the better chance to bloom. So September, in our lattitudes may be the ending of blooming season for this species.
I would suggest to place it indoor, as you will have to anyway. Bear in mind that a cold night can kill this plant, as it happened to me. 10°C, and you can say goodbye to your baby Sambac...
Try to give it supplemental light / heat / hygrometry and it shall bloom.
Sometimes, a temperature falloff, especially any brutal change can stress the plant, and inhibit bud developpment, causing the bud to abort or look awkward, and that could be the case with you.
Remember that any plant from a serious nursery is given the best condition from day to day, to make a beautiful plant with a lot of flowers, as long as they want to sell healty and eye-catching plants. But when you bring you brand new baby home, the conditions - air - watering schedule - daytime/nightime temperatures - Light intensity, Light Duration - hygrometry - feeding schedule - may be very different and can stress the plant, especially if the change is dramatic, and sudden. This stress can inhibit bud growth.
Another guess if the plant is not blooming - 'Maid Of Orleans' might be resting. It might have set up a lot of flowers before you bought it, and then the plant is exhausted. Blooming is demanding a lot of energy, and as said in a previous follow up, this rest may be part of a natural cycle of this Marvelous plant. So be patient, another key to success !
Talking about desease, in my experience, Sambac are subject to spider mites attacks, specially indoor, and these pest can harm your plant, and cause bud abortion. Sometimes a virus (?) - Maybe agrobacter tumefaciens - can cause a kind of stem cancer. in this case, the stem, buds and leaves can be ill formed, and I can't tell if there is a solution to this... it happened to me though...
Sambac cuttings are really easy to root, with or without IBA (hormone) so you may want to take a few and try to give each differents conditions of light/heat/hygrometry, and with this kind-of method of trial you might find the best condition in your area for your Sambac, and get new clones for free! Mathematically, the more plants, the more blooms at one given time, the more fragrance in your room !
Maybe you'll get to the point when you can make 'Lei', fragrant necklace, a great gift to offer to your beloved... as they do in India, especially on wedding days...
Don't misspell ! This is "Maid of Orleans", NOT "Maid of New Orleans'. This is related to the french heroine 'Jeanne d'Arc' A.K.A. Maid of Orleans (Orleans, town from the North of France). The flower might have been given her name in symbolic reference to the white purity and the holly fragrance of the flower... Anyway I guess there are still some maids in New Orleans... So I won't bother if you insist
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